CPM (Cost Per Millenium)

CPM (Cost Per Mille) — a metric for the cost of one thousand ad impressions. It is used to assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns: a decrease in the metric over time indicates reduced costs and increased profits, while an increase suggests the opposite.

CPM (Cost Per Millennium) — a payment model that charges for each display of a banner, advertisement, or promotional message. Therefore, user actions are irrelevant — only the number of impressions matters.

What CPM can be used for

This metric is relevant when promoting a brand, increasing its recognition, or popularizing a new offer. With its help, you can:

  • compare different advertising platforms by evaluating the cost of placement and effectiveness;
  • achieve the best results with minimal investment;
  • assess the effectiveness of advertising and make adjustments if necessary.

CPM is a convenient tool for promoting specific products or services. It is also useful when advertising promotions, sales, or special offers. This payment model is simple, convenient, and cost-effective.

How to properly calculate CPM

The lower this metric, the better it is, but the optimal figure depends on the industry, the specifics of the advertising offer, and other factors. The calculation will use the following indicators:

  • advertising block publication costs;
  • number of impressions.

The CPM formula looks as follows:

CPM=advertising budgetimpressions*1000


Accordingly, if $500 was spent on banner placement and 200,000 users saw it, the result would be 500/200,000*1,000 = 2.5 dollars. At the same time, it is useful to track the CTR metric — the ratio of clicks to impressions, which demonstrates the effectiveness of a particular creative. 

What factors influence CPM indicators on platforms

The cost per thousand banner or ad impressions is primarily determined by the size and characteristics of the target audience, as well as several other parameters:

  • content quality — bright, original, and attractive advertisements generate more interest;
  • relevance to user interests — it is important to consider the needs and preferences of the target audience to achieve a good CPM;
  • device type — the cost of impressions on PCs and laptops differs from mobile devices;
  • format — banners, videos, messages, or native advertising;
  • time of display — depending on the time of day and days of the week, the speed at which the budget is spent will vary.

It is also important to consider seasonality, targeting, and marketing campaign settings. This will allow you to manage advertising budgets more effectively, optimize chosen strategies, and achieve optimal results.

Important nuances

The CPM formula is relevant when you need to announce a company’s market entry, present a product or service, or attract users’ attention with interesting special offers or discounts. However, this is only a good option if the budget is sufficient. Otherwise, on popular online platforms, impressions may accumulate too quickly, and funds will run out in a short time.

A drawback of placing flashy banners can also be noted. They may seem too intrusive, especially if a user frequently visits a site and constantly sees the same colorful image. In this case, you may get the opposite effect, so it’s important to maintain moderation and avoid “wasting” funds.

To measure the reach and visibility of advertising, especially in the early stages of the sales funnel, it is helpful to know how to calculate CPM. In combination with other metrics, you can implement an effective strategy that meets the set goals and objectives.